Ama’zjhi is an initiated spiritual teacher and master healer on the Path of Ascension for 33 years. She is a seer and a divine voice channel for the Ascended Masters and Archangels. As the creator and master teacher of Violet Alchemy® Healing & Purification and JourneyDance™ Guide, she delivers divine activations and initiations for the Ones who are ready to claim their Divinity. As a vocal alchemist and sacred ceremonialist, she brings the wisdom teachings, sound codes, and songs for the reclamation of empowerment through the One Heart.

I am the keeper of the Divine Mothers Breath and ambassador to the celestial planes. We hold the lineage of the 21 Taras’ in conjunction with New Earth light and sound technologies, as well as education from the higher realms. We embody Shakti, the divine power of creation, needed for transformation on a cellular level and the activation of the original divine consciousness. As a healer we help people to activate their crystalline nature for evolution, igniting the co-creatorship and expansion of the divine light and holy love within.

As a veteran of the healing world, having achieved mastery through receiving continuous mentorship training, Ama’zjhi is committed to being a clear channel for the Enlightened Masters and Archangels in order to nurture Humanity’s healing and evolution.

Ama’zjhi is an initiated spiritual teacher and master healer on the Path of Ascension for 33 years. She is a seer and a divine voice channel for the Ascended Masters and Archangels. As the creator and master teacher of Violet Alchemy® Healing & Purification and JourneyDance™ Guide, she delivers divine activations and initiations for the Ones who are ready to claim their Divinity. As a vocal alchemist and sacred ceremonialist, she brings the wisdom teachings, sound codes, and songs for the reclamation of empowerment through the One Heart.

I am the keeper of the Divine Mothers Breath and ambassador to the celestial planes. We hold the lineage of the 21 Taras’ in conjunction with New Earth light and sound technologies, as well as education from the higher realms. We embody Shakti, the divine power of creation, needed for transformation on a cellular level and the activation of the original divine consciousness. As a healer we help people to activate their crystalline nature for evolution, igniting the co-creatorship and expansion of the divine light and holy love within.

As a veteran of the healing world, having achieved mastery through receiving continuous mentorship training, Ama’zjhi is committed to being a clear channel for the Enlightened Masters and Archangels in order to nurture Humanity’s healing and evolution.

About You

You are ready to…

  • Grow from a place of humility and surrender in order to rise above suffering.
  • Discover what the Soul is asking to explore, and release all that no longer serves.
  • Utilize the power of radical forgiveness to return to love, balance, and liberation.
  • Co-create and receive the divine assistance of the enlightened Masters.
  • Take responsibility for your experiences without Blame, Shame, Guilt, or Regret.
  • Create a shift, an opening for change towards greater empowerment and stability.

We Welcome You

We will be a clear guide to lead you towards greater truth. We offer love and light technology that will support you in coming home to your most authentic self. On this journey, you will experience more joy returning to your being and everyday life. The sessions guide you to discovering your center and empowering you to remain there with inner strength and a strong sense of independence.

Choose Your Path

Violet Alchemy

Violet Alchemy® is an ancient system using advanced light technology, a modality brought forth for times of accelerated change.  VA® allows the true Self to be activated and liberated for the evolution of consciousness and reclamation of One’s Divine potential. Violet Alchemy®Purification cleanses the energy field of lower energy attachments, Violet Alchemy®Healing transmutes the unresolved psychological baggage, limiting beliefs, energies of dysfunction, and absolves unresolved Karma. 

We created this system from 2000-2007 and it was registered trademarked in 2010 as a modality of Energy Psychology.

Shakti Mpowerment

VA® ShaktiMPowerments and dispensations of light technologies support the activation and development of the body of light. As well as the strengthening of the body temple of love.

For the Seekers, the Healers, and the Influencers, these ShaktiMpowerments will greatly accelerate and advance the path of Ascension and the embodiment of higher consciousness.

The core focus of this work is to ignite the individual’s kundalini energy. We provide tools to utilize these sacred energy centers within the body to create lasting positive shifts in Mindset, intuition, and decision-making.

Divine University

We are proud and honored to be one of the first mentors and spiritual teachers of the Divine University with a specialty in ShaktiMPowerments,  bridging the planetary and celestial realms.

The Divine University was a vision given to  Qala Sri Ama Phoenix 20 years ago, a contract with the Enlightened Masters, and then co-created by an original group of 27,  to birth this 5th Dimensional University.

The new education and wisdom teachings that stream from the Divine University are profound and offer true spiritual food to all on their Path of empowerment.